努力加载中 ……

Simplicity First

Minimal setup with markdown-centered project structure helps you focus on writing.


Enjoy the dev experience of Vue, use Vue components in markdown, and develop custom themes with Vue.


VuePress generates pre-rendered static HTML for each page, and runs as an SPA once a page is loaded.


Providing a default theme out of the box. You can also choose a community theme or create your own one.


Flexible plugin API, allowing plugins to provide lots of plug-and-play features for your site.


Both Webpack and Vite are supported. Choose the one you like!


If you met a bug while using, you can open an issueopen in new window

As Easy as 1, 2, 3

# install in your project
npm install -D @starzkg/vuepress-theme-star

# create a markdown file
echo '# Hello VuePress Theme Star' > README.md

# start writing
npx vuepress dev

# build to static files
npx vuepress build
# install in your project
yarn add -D @starzkg/vuepress-theme-star

# create a markdown file
echo '# Hello VuePress Theme Star' > README.md

# start writing
yarn vuepress dev

# build to static files
yarn vuepress build
# install in your project
pnpm add - D @starzkg/vuepress-theme-star

# create a markdown file
echo '# Hello VuePress Theme Star' > README.md

# start writing
pnpm vuepress dev

# build to static files
pnpm vuepress build


A vuepress theme with tons of features✨ / 一个具有强大功能的 vuepress 主题✨

Author: Starzkgopen in new windowLicenseopen in new windowOpen in Visual Studio Codeopen in new window

github checkopen in new windowgithub docsopen in new windowCodeQLopen in new windowTest themeopen in new window

npmopen in new windownpmopen in new windownpmopen in new windowlicenseopen in new window

Versionopen in new windowDownloadsopen in new windowDownloadsopen in new windowDownloadsopen in new windowTotal downloadsopen in new windowSizeopen in new windowLicenseopen in new window

opencollectiveopen in new window

coverageopen in new windowDeepScan gradeopen in new windowcodecovopen in new window

discordopen in new window

状态: Beta

star 用户数量 / 时间变化图

Stargazers over timeopen in new window


